Monday, December 19, 2011

14 months old

Yesterday Carter was 14 months.

Ive decided Im going to do these posts every 2 months now, since Im back at work, and he's not drastically changing like he was month to month.

A little update:

We are all getting back into the swing of things now that Im back at work, we're back from Mexico and Carter is sort of sleeping through the night.

Carter LOVES his dayhome (I say this a lot but its true).

He usually cries when we come home since its boring at home and none of his friends are here.

He is such a little character, and I love watching him interact with his friends.

Its scary to think that in 4ish months we will start potty training and move on to a new phase in his life.

At 14 months, Carter:

- is about 22 lbs

- is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothing, but I just retired some 9 month clothing we was wearing

- has 6 teeth (worlds slooooooowest teether)

- loves to run over Cheeko with his toys

- copies everything now, from sounds to movements, he is a spongs

- has wicked hissyfits and tantrums, especially when he is told No

- can use a fork, but prefers his hand since he can get way more in his cakehole at a time

- LOVES pasta and chicken

- loves to see how things work

- occassionaly sleeps through the night. He is getting better but we have started to let him cry it out and put himself back to sleep

- is done with a soother. He started not wanting it and taking it out of his mouth and trowing it out of his crib about 2 weeks ago so we decided last week to try and take it away. So far so good, we gave it to him last night after him screaming all night but thats been it

- hates loud sounds like the vaccuum or the dog barking, or the sound of the shovel when hes outside helping shovel the driveway

- loves to look at the pictures on my camera after I take them and will sometimes kiss the screen

- loves giving kisses to anything and everyone. Makes the pucker sound now too if you say "kisses"

- points at himself. We keep saying "Carter" when he does this so he knows his name

- loves to play with the magnets on the fridge

- likes to close doors, like the fridge door, the front door and his baby gate after he climbs the stairs

- obsessed with our water cooler and keeps playing with it and spilling water everywhere

- hates the snow, just like his mommy!

- loves the stinky feet game, when he pulls off his socks and gives them to us then we sniff them and go "Ewww" and make silly faces. He loves doing it to himself too

- loves to "boing". I will pick him up under the arms and just lift him up and down as we are walking somewhere and say boing boing boing until we get to where were going

- always mouths words, no sounds comes out but hes almost whispering

- loves to lay on his back, life his feet up and smash them on the ground. He really loves this in the tub

- will rub his hands together when we say "wash your hands". He will also do this when we use a facecloth or baby wipe to clean him, he is independent and wants to do it himself

- loves to pick little pieces of dirt or garbage off the ground. Always finds the little crumbs or pieces of paper in the house and comes and gives it to me.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Working Mommy

So Ive been back to work going on 4 weeks now, and Ive had a lot of people ask me how its has been going, so I figured I would write about it.

**Side note**
For those who dont know, I work in Group Life Insurance. You know those little handbooks you get that explain your benefits to you but that you probably didnt read (Dental Insurance, Life Insurance) well I make those, and the main Contract that your Employer keeps.

First off, going back was super annoying.
When its 10am and I am sitting in the lunchroom eating my snack, with my work clothes on, dont ask me if Im back.
Of course Im back.
I didnt break in, wearing nice clothes and high heels, to eat my yogurt in a building full of people I dont know(and the rest I barely like!).
Use your head.
Also, its no coincident that over a period of 9 months I got increasingly plumper and rounder and then suddenly I was gone.
I did not get fired for getting too fat, and then they suddenly rehired me back about a year later.
Again, use your head.

Now that THATS out of the way, lets get started!

Going back was also about as hard as I thought it would be.
I cried 3 different times the 1st day. I didnt think I would miss him that much. Ive been without him overnight a few times now, so going to work was going to be easy, right?
I had no problem leaving him, I knew HE would be fine, but it was the fact that I couldnt just go pick him up, or talk to him, or kiss him that sucked.

It took DAYS to get all of my systems back up and running, and took 2 fricken weeks for me to even get a phone and another week to get my number working properly again.
Super great customer service skills!

And speaking of systems...
I was testing a new system for about 6 months before I went on Mat Leave, and during my time off the new system went into production and everyone starting using it.
Testing a system is completely different than actually functionally using it.
Found this out the hard way as well.

I went back to work really cocky.
Meaning, I thought I remembered a lot of stuff.
I also helps that I work with Mark, so he would always come home and tell me about the different updates that we were doing to this new system, so I felt like I had an inside advantage.
Long story short when I got back to work I was told I was not going to be using the new system until after our big rush time of January, and that I would be in the old system.
WOHOO! I thought.
I know that system like the back of my hand.

Well, turns out that was a lie, and I was thrown out to sink or swim.
I have a really big problem of not asking for help, and my work has a really big problem of not offering help.
I have spent DAYS going through 2364 emails (yup, thats how many emails I had received in my year off), looking through different job aides and asking questions, but I am just not retaining this information!
While I do love a challenge at my job(I hate sitting around doing nothing), i consider a challenge to be making a non swimmer swim to the end of the deep pool and back on his first try, not plopping him in the Atlantic Ocean and making him find his way back to dry land.

As well as a new system, I also have a new Manager.
When I left we had a Manager(who has since got promoted twice) and a Team Lead (aka Supervisor).
My Team Lead was awesome to talk to, got things done, and kept me running smoothly.
She went on Mat Leave about a month before I did, and decided to stay at home with her little girl (jealous!) so thats something else that has also changed.

Our new Manager came from a different area, Annuities (American RRSP's) and doesnt have an extensive Group Life Insurance back round.
This means I have to rely heavily on my coworkers who are busy doing their own work, and dont have time to be my teacher.

So for me, all of that has been a wait....headache.

Something else that is very different for me is the "friendships".
People that were attached like Siamese Twins are not speaking, and others who talked endlessly about each other behind their backs are going to lunch together.
I swore I graduated high school waaaay back in 2002?
I think I am going to keep to myself, and not get wrapped up in the drama and potential BS.
I am not a chick who has a problem sitting by myself eating my lunch!

Outside of work has also been hectic.
On Mondays we bowl so we feed Carter supper and thats it. I sneak into his room and kiss him goodnight when we get home around 10 and its bed time.
Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Step Class at the gym at suppertime.
This means I pick Carter up after work(ish) and spend about an hour or so with him at home, and by the time I get home from the gym and inhale some supper, its his bed time.
I work at 6am so most times when I see Carter in the morning hes screaming his face off cuz he is up way too early and is tired.
Lately he has been better about sleeping, so on any given Tuesday/Thursday I see him for 2 hrs.
And just cuz he's in bed doesnt mean my day ends.
Theres still lunches to pack, dishes to wash, toys to clean up, you name it!
By the time 8pm rolls around Im exhausted, my feet hurt and I just want to read a book and lights out by 930.

I feel like these 4 weeks have been so slow at work, but so fast when I get home.
It will be Christmas before we know it, then busy time hits at work.
I will be at work from darkness in the morning till darkness at night.
I'll be lucky if some days I even get to see him.

I dont know how people with 2 kids do it!
I cannot picture us having another any time soon, its so tiring!

So there you have it!
Going back sucks, but I have bills to pay and Im not the first working Mom, so I know its possible!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Holy crap, we made it :)
Ive only cried twice about it so far (tears of joy), but it is only noon ;)


Its hard to believe that 365 days ago I was laboring at home, still hours away from going to the hospital and giving birth to my sweet little redheaded boy.

In some ways, it seems like just yesterday.
I still remember the whole day. I remember the pain, I remember the tears, and I remember everyones eager faces as we made our way to Floor 3 at the hospital to see what Pat was going to be.

I remember the tear filled first months(not tears of joy) , the anxiety ridden nights, and me thinking I was never going to have more kids since I was having such a hard time.

But then I look at my bright eyed, smart little walking son and I can hardly remember how little he was.
I see little babies in the mall (or where ever) and I forget that Carter was once THAT tiny.
7 lbs. Thats it! Its hard to believe that only 6 months ago he learned to sit on his own, I barely remember the days of being able to put him in the crib or on the floor and he wouldnt have moved and inch while I was gone! Boy, I miss those days!!

Not everything has gone according to plan in the last 12 months, but thats life!
In some ways I am the exact mother I want to be, and in other ways I feel a tiny bit of failure (just a little).

I wanted a natural labour, and thats exactly what I got.
I wanted to breastfeed him for a year, but I was only able to for 4 months.
I didnt want to give him a soother, but when he took 5 sucks of it and he drifted off to sleepyland I just couldnt take that away from him.
I wanted him to be a strong, independent boy, so we dont make a big deal out of it when he falls down or Cheeko knocks him over.

Having Carter has changed everyones lives. Most times good, other times not so much.
Being a parent isnt an easy job, but its been the most rewarding.

I am looking forward to going back to work, but Im sure that will wear off my lunchtime my first day back!

Carter has started at his dayhome as of last week and he LOVES it, but I knew he would.
I was very fortunate to meet Tania in our prenatal classes, but it wasnt until our Playgroup was formed that I got to meet a really great group of Moms who really helped me out.
Im so glad I was able to meet them, and spend a majority of our first year together and have other people there to tell you its OK, and that your child isnt weird!

When I drop Carter off, I dont feel like Im leaving him with a stranger.
Carter loves Tania and I know that this is going to be a great fit for our family, and it will make my return to work a lot less stressful, since I already feel like Im abandoning him.

I was saying to Mark last night that I cant wait for him to grow up.
I look forward to doing finger painting on a cold winter weekend, or going camping and him riding his bike in the campground. I look forward to having a handful of kids over for his birthday parties and taking them swimming and bowling and all that fun stuff. He can have friends over for sleepovers, and he can go to the Grandparents house and get spoiled for a whole weekend. We can stay up late on the weekend and watch movies. We can bake cookies together and run around at the park. I cant wait!

But never again am I going to wish for him to grow up.

This year went amazingly fast. I am so glad I got to spend this time at home and watch my little boy grow and discover.
Almost makes we want to do it again right now!!

At 12 months, Carter:
- is 21 lbs
- is in 12 months clothes
- is walking and even running (started a few days after he was 11 months)
- is so interested in food. Will try to grab our plates when hes already eaten is own supper
- is on homo milk, no more formula!!!
- is always talking. He cant do anything without being a motormouth
- always wants to be picked up. If I am sitting then he will try to pull himself onto me, and when we stand he pulls at our legs to be picked up. SO annoying
- still obssessed with the TV. Turns it sideways, smacks it, turns it on and off
- copies sounds he hears, like coughing, laughing, yawning, horns
- knows that if he fake coughs that we will ALWAYS look at him, so thats his new highchair trick
-loves Cheeko, always giving him hugs and crawling on him
- is so affectionate. He will kiss and hug his stuffed animals
- started to throw temper tantrums (already?!) when he doesnt get what he wants. Not giving in to him, Im setting the rules now!
- throws everything, his toys, his bottle and even his food. Might be a baseball player
- plays hard. Hes always banging things and throwing things and generally being as rough on stuff as possible
-tries to dress himself. He tried to put his shoe on the other day
- loves pushing the kitchen chairs around

Sunday, September 18, 2011

T-1 = 11

So 1 more little month until CLo turns ONE!!!!

At 11 months, Carter:

- is 19lbs 10 oz. Need to beef him up a couple more pounds to turn his carseat around. YaY!!!

- is 29 inches

- is moving out of 9 month stuff into 12 month stuff

- speaking of clothes, this kid is spoiled. He has more clothes than he will ever wear. Kinda want baby #2 to be another boy, then the clothes will be used well, AND we dont have to do this again with girl clothes. Girls clothes are 20 times cuter than boy clothes, so we would be in trouble!!

- is thisclose to walking. He has taken lots of steps, the most being 5

- loves to stand, perfected his standing while on holidays

- will only walk when he is busy playing and doesnt realise he's doing it. He will just fall or bend his legs if we try to get him to walk

- is getting his 3rd tooth on the top...sooooo much drool

- getting more hair, slowly but surely

- has started to point

- hates socks and will usually pull his shoes off to eat them

- was in his first earthquake, too bad he'll never remember!

- went to the ocean for the first time
- went to BC and the US for the first time

- makes friends everywhere we go, he's a little flirt

- tries to drink the bath water. So gross

- helps dress and undress himself

- is so very, very determined. Wont stop until he gets whatever he is after

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Double Digits!

Ten sounds so much older than nine, but alas, my big boy is 10 months old.

At 10 months, Carter is:

- 19 lbs 11oz
- 28ish inches.(hes too squirmy to get an accurate reading) Mr Shorty....always have to roll his pant legs up!
- is wearing some 6-12 months stuff, lots of 9 months stuff and some 12 month stuff.
- is getting his top 2 teeth at the same time right now, complete with a teething cold. I still hate teething!
- chats all the time, and has said Dog a couple times and Hi Daddy
- still has the cutest dang smile and dimple
- dances by bending his knees and bopping up and down, as well as stomping his right foot
- has gone on his first camping trip in our new (to us) trailer, and it was not as successful as I had hoped
- loves to share anything and everything. Even offered his toy to the ladies on The View when Cheeko didnt want it (we watch too much TV!)
- doesnt like Treehouse TV but loves watching the news. No Barney or Dora in this house!
- makes the click sound with his tongue
- LOVES to self feed! He especially loves eating Cheerios. and toast with a little bit of jam.
- is allergic to kiwi and yogurt
-is always grabbing at our plates, he wants to eat everything- he also loves water. Loves drinking it, and playing with it. Bath time is a mess, he is always in Cheekos dish and I even caught him reaching in the toilet once when I left the seat up (GROSS!)
- loves to stand on things and crawl over things. He will push his toys up to the TV stand then stand on top of them, and it always climbing on the highchair. He loves to stand on my feet or legs when I am on the ground with him
- stands on his tippy toes, which especially hurts when he is standing on my legs and digs his tiny toes into my thigh
- has stood on his own a few times for quite a long time (6+ seconds)
- will put his ear to the ground and look under the coffee table to his toys on the other side

- has taken a step back in the walking on his own department, since he has taken many falls on the face, and discovered that he can drop down to his butt, crawl and stand back up to where he wants to be. Might not be an early walker after all
- cries when told no, or he cant have what he wants

- hates anything on his head. Always rips his hat off in the sun, and his toque off during our morning walks (yes, very Canadian of me)
- has an obsession with the dog bed and dog bones

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

9 Months!

My sweet baby is rapidly growing into a walking, talking moving machine!
He is full of energy and life and there is never a dull moment in this house anymore.
Nothing is safe from him, not even Cheeko.
At 9 months Carter:
- is 19lbs even
- is 27.5 inches long
- is wearing mostly 9 month clothing
- crawls and is everwhere checking things out
- is learning to climb the stairs
- can go from his belly to standing (this is his new thing in the crib and makes for awful sleep since he always wants to stand)
- still walks like a pro. He cruises all over the living room and even tries to walk away from the table and will meet the ground with his head
- will drop a toy while standing at the table or couch to figure out how to bend down and pick it up, and has been getting more and more successful at picking them up
- will use his toes to get his knees off the ground when crawling, so he goes into the downward dog yoga position and tries to stand up
-is starting to eat with his fingers. He will eat bananas and cheerios, and is pretty good about getting them into his mouth
- is a bad eater now. He used to open his mouth wide and want food, now I have to trick him into opening his mouth and his shoves his hands in his mouth and gets food all over them then he will rub his food hands together and make a big game out of it. He wastes more than he eats
- is eating chicken, beef and fish, as well as some veggies and fruit
- sleeps on his stomach and will bring his legs up under him so his butt is in the air
- laughs at me when I tell him 'No'
- says Mama, Dada, Nana, Baba and Hi
- needs to work on his inside voice, everything is at volume 10 when he is playing
- loves Cheeko endlessly. Crawls to him all the time, plays with his nails and his collar and laughs at him all the time
- waves sometimes. I taught the wave and the clap too close together and will end up doing a mixture of the 2
- hates being splashed in the face at the pool, but goes nuts splashing in the tub

Sunday, June 19, 2011

8 months

Another month has zipped by!

Its hard to believe how much he will grow in the next 4 months.
He will learn more words and learn to walk, he will eat food in its original form and he will hopefully grow some hair!

At 8 months, Carter:
- is 17lbs 6 oz (not bad considering the weight loss he had when he was sick)
- is 27.5 inches long
- is moving into 9 month clothes
- cruises the coffee table like a pro and turns to walk away from it
- will stay on his hands and knees but still cant figure out how to crawl
- will pivot all over the place on his tummy
- has his 2 bottom teeth
- loves food. I am starting to make it thicker and chunkier for him. Going to be trying meats soon
- says Mama. He even says blah blah blah, just like Ke$ha. He is close to saying Hi and we are working on Dada
- recognizes his little friends
- play (pretty) well with his friends
- loves watches and rings
- has had cold #3....but they seem to be teething related
- has had an overnight trip to the hospital, and his first band aid

Monday, June 13, 2011


After this past weekend, I realize I have a lot to be thankful for.

While sitting in the sterile hospital, watching my fragile sick boy just lay there, listening to the haunting cries of other babies/kids in the wing, I never though I could miss my seemingly ordinary days so much.

I am so grateful for:

-my little boys chubby arms; even though he lost at least a pound and a half, it took 3 doctors to find a vein so it means he is still healthy enough to thrive

-my rocking chair; then I could rock Carter comfortably and smoothly while he depended on me to make his world better

-noisy toys; it means Carter is smart enough to turn them on

-loud screams; my baby has enough energy to produce vocals

-his desire to walk; it means he has determination, a mind of his own

-belly laughs; it means he happy and has a personality

-our family and friends; we can always count on them to help us out in time of need.

I know that with a boy, especially one with Mark's sickness DNA that we will probably end up in the ER more than once, I never thought it would be within his first year.

As a parent, we all have to go through these things.

I will be better prepared for the next time, and we all have to make mistakes to improve.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

7 months down :)

Another 30 days has come and gone, and my little beast is growing, learning, exploring and teething!! (sorry Jackie)

I am amazed by how much he has changed this month. He is learning so many new things with his hands and face and mouth, it wont be much longer before I am at work and this sweet little boy is destroying my house and talking back with the attitude I somehow passed along to him(of all the things!)

At 7 months Carter :

- is 17lbs (gained 10lbs in 7 months)
- is 26 inches long (apparently he shrunk from last month, but Im pretty sure he grew taller, but what do I know, Im not the one with the measuring tape....MARK)
- is wearing 6-9 month clothing, and some 12 month
- has discovered standing at the coffee table, and refuses to sit now
- started to cruise when standing at the coffee table
- has moved himself backwards a couple time when on his tummy
- working on his first tooth; we noticed a little bubble looking thing last night and I felt a bit of sharpness today, but I think he's still got a few more days before its coming out for good
- eating so much food! 3 meals a day and has all sorts of veggies and is just starting pears then we will move onto more fruit
- sleeps thru the night!! 8pm-7am. So Awesome!!!!
- is in such a good mood all the time now (except with this teething business)
- LOVES technology (he is his fathers boy). He loves TV, always reaches for the remote, thwireless keyboard and cell phones
- has had cold colds are brutal
- is on a regular schedule of eating and sleeping
- has gone for his first over-nighter to GG and Grumpas
- starting to stick his tongue out again
- makes all sorts of scrunch faces
- has starting hitting everything with his hand
- loves feeling everything's texture now, scratching his nails against it
- still loves Cheeko, and always has laughs for a yawn or lip licking
- has rediscovered his voice again. Constant screeching in this house!
- pulls himself up in his stroller, to get a better view of whats happening
- still a bit shy outside of the house. People have to work for their smiles

I never thought I would love anyone more than I love Mark, but every day I love this kid more and more. He is so smart, and so determined (aka stubborn, yet another trait from me) that I can't wait to see what kind of little boy he is going to turn into.
Every parent thinks their kid is the best, the cutest, the smartest. But they are wrong.
Cuz my kid is!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fit to be a parent??

So I was returing our rented shampooer to Safeway on Monday and I decided to take Carter out of the carseat and carry him in the store with me.
While waiting for someone to help me, I sat Carter on the counter and gave him a rattle which he started pounding on the glass countertop.
When the Customer Service girl came to help me, she was gooing and gaaing at Carter and having a gay ol time with him.
She needed me to sign some paperwork, at which point I picked Carter up and held him while I grabbed the pen. She offered to hold the paper and all I had to do was sign, but I told her it was ok, it was actaully easier if I used the same hand I was holding Carter in to hold the paper and I would sign with my other hand.
She said ' Oh I figured you Moms wouldnt need any help! You guys have it all figured out!".

Its funny how sometimes you feel like you are having a disaster day, you havent showered( your messy hair in a half assed pony tail is the sure-fire sign!), your kid just puked all over his jacket and crapped his diaper (to which even a homeless person would say stinks) and to someone elses eyes, you have it all together, the perfect Mom.

But what makes a 'perfect' parent?
Your age? Your marital status? The fact that you've wanted kids since you got your first dolly at the tender age of 2?

I was watching this episode of Dr Phil (or Dr Full as Mark likes to call him!) a few weeks ago, and they had a 17yr old girl with her 18yr old bf and they were battling with everyone about the upbringing of their infant daughter.
Everyone was against them. Everyone but the boys father, and me. The boys father was allowing the teens to live with him, and he was helping out with raising his little granddaughter.

Now, I am not all for babies having babies, but yes, they did make a mistake and got pregnant (the first time they had sex, as they claim) and yes, they are young and unemployed, but does that make them bad parents? The 18yr old did have some random part time jobs, so its not like he was sitting on his ass all day playing video games and not making an effort. Were they financially prepared to take on a responsibility so huge as a BABY? No, but who is? You always hear the excuse of people saying 'oh, were going to wait until we can afford it.' If you wait, you aint having kids. Everyone is poor. Get over it. Its called the Recession.
Dr Phil showed a couple pics of the very cute little girl. She was healthy, bright and alive. They were doing something right! There was one picture that showed the baby laying on her tummy to sleep, and Dr Full went on a rampage about they were awful parents since they should know that that causes SIDS, to which the teen mom replied her doctor told her to put her to sleep that way.
If you dont want this 17yr old girl to be a mother to her baby simply because she lays her to sleep on her stomach then take my child away too.
I stopped breastfeeding my child at 4 months. (Oh gasp- the agony. Whisper Whisper Whisper)
My kid has plowed his head onto the floor more times in the last month than I can could on 2 hands, the most recent episode being 2 hrs go.
We let him chew on a pea pod 3 nights ago and we are pretty sure he bit the tip of the pod off and started chocking since his face went all red and he was only half breathing and coughing.

Am I proud of these things?
Absolutely not.
But my kid is just that, a kid.
He is going to fall and even break bones.
He is going to swallow something whole and have a hard time digesting it.
He is going to eat grass. Touch dog poo. Play with his weenie. Pick his nose and eat it and probably enjoy it!

Just because they are teens does not make them bad parents.
Just because I am a 26 yr old married woman does not make me a good parent.

If people gave up kids every single time just because they were teenagers, or just because they were single, or just because they didnt feel like they had the nurturing mother gene, then we would have a whole lotta lonely kids in this world.

Millions of teens, single parents, poor parents, rich parents and crackheads alike have been raising their children for years. This is not a new concept. There is no such thing as a perfect parent.
No one knows what goes on behind closed doors. All you are seeing is what they want you to see.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

1/2 way to 1

Carter is 6 months old.
1/2 a year.
26 weeks.

No matter how I say it, he is growing up so fast. No longer my little helpless baby boy. He is my independent, smart and happy little boy.

In the first few months when I was really struggling with Carters tummy problems and my anxiety, I would have paid any amount of money to fast forward the time through all the heartache and pain, and now that he is growing up so fast, and learning new things and becoming this little human being, I would pay any amount of money to slow time down.

Every day is a new journey with this guy, and sometimes we just sit there for a half an hour making silly faces and smiling at each other. My heart is filled with so much love for him.

I think that this is the best age. He is so alert and understands so much, can entertain himself, and laughs at the silliest things, but can't talk back or move!

At 6 months, Carter
- is 16lbs 2 oz
- is 26 1/2 inches long
- is wearing 6 month and 6-9 month clothing
- sits on his own
- hates loud sounds like the vaccuum and my blowdryer
- loves peek-a-boo
- loves when I sing to him, espcially Wheels on the Bus
- still loves faces, but now grabs for the hair and glasses
- still no teeth
- eats 2 meals of rice cereal, and has had sweet potatoes but doesn't care for them
- loves to walk, and will stand on his own when propped up against something
- will balance himself when he's wobbly when he stands
- just started sleeping through the night again
- makes all sorts of sounds, espeically 'm' sounds
- loves to raspberry with his tongue and sent spit flying everywhere
- thinks the dog is hilarious when he licks his lips or yawns or chews his bone
- will push himself up when doing tummy time
- can roll but doesnt
- is all over in his crib now, he is never in the same spot you put him to sleep in
- is taking his sweet time growing his hair
- recognizes faces (me, Mark, grandparents, playgroup)

Friday, March 18, 2011

5 amazing months!

I think I say this every month, but I cannot believe another month has passed!
I love watching this little baby grow into a little man, he is learning things so fast and has become very interesting to watch.
I am completely smitten with him!

At 5 months, Carter:
- is 15lbs 8 oz (slowest weight gain to date, 8 little ounces!)
- is 25.5 inches long
- is in 3-6 month and 6 month clothing
- is always talking and has even started shrieking and making all kinds of different sounds with his voice
- has started to raspberry and is sticking his tongue out now
- still has everything in his mouth, this teething process is ridiculous
- loves touching faces, and grabbing hair, clothes and everything else he can get his little hands on
- hasn't rolled over yet, but will get onto his side from his back
- still hates tummy time and usually results in puke all over the place
- is still a puker. We were doing good for a couple weeks and now the regular Carter Pukemachine is back
- loves laughing. Kissing his belly always results in major giggles
- loves playing in his excersaucer and jumperoo and jolly jumper
- still not sleeping thru the night, but he usually gives me a solid 7 hrs
- will splash in the pool when he sees someone else splashing first
- is starting to sit on his own (hellejulah! he DOES know how to sit)
- really dislikes his carseat and doesnt always fall asleep in the truck anymore....boooo!
- is starting rice cereal today
- loves petting Cheeko....Cheeko has different feelings about this action
- is starting cold colds are BRUTAL
- rubs his eyes when he is tired

Saturday, February 19, 2011

4 months

The Beast is 4 months old!

At 4 months, Carter:
- is 15lbs (holy porker!)
- 24 3/4 inches short
- is now on formula
- is putting everything in his mouth
- is getting better at tummy time, but will usually last only a few minutes
- has found his feet, but prefers to use the left hand only
- survived his first cold
- went on a roadtrip to Calgary
- can sit on his lonesome for a few seconds
- still prefers to stand
- loves screens...TV, computer, cell phones
- is not sleeping thru the night anymore
- is in 3-6 month clothes, but some sleepers are close to retirement
- is moving in size 3 diapers
- always watches us eat, and will grab the bowl/plate
- likes to hear himself talk....especially at 4am
- hates being restrained (carseat, bumbo)
- will do a half sit-up to try and get out of his carseat, vibrating chair and swing

Sunday, February 6, 2011


No one said being a parent was going to be the hardest job of my life.
And I've had a lot of jobs.

I am so tired.
I am so tired of being puked on.
I am so tired of people telling me its normal. Its not.
I am so tired of telling people my kid pukes a lot, and then he never pukes around people.
I am so tired of putting a clean pair of jeans on, or a nice shirt and having it puked on 2 seconds alter.
I am so tired of wearing the same old pukey pajamas for days on end.
I am so tired of my carpets and furniture and brand new $300 rocking chair being puked on.
I am so tired of doing laundry.
I am so tired of my cranky baby.
I am so tired of waking at night to feed him.
I am so tired of barely making it 2 hrs before he wants to eat.
I am so tired of breastfeeding and the dedication it takes.
I am so tired of trying to get back to sleep in the middle of the night.
I am so tired of feeling like a single parent.
I am so tired.

I dont know what I was expecting out of parenthood, but this wasnt it.

I love my son to bits, and I wouldnt trade him for the world
I guess I am just having a hard time with sleep deprivation and still trying to adjust to my new world.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1/4 of a year?!

Here we are, January 18th, and my little man is 3 months old!
These 3 months have been an adventure!

Carter, at 3 months:

- is 23 3/4 inches long
- is 13lbs 13oz
- is wearing 3-6 month clothing
- is starting to teeth
- loves his hands(see previous bullet)
- is always eating his bibs or blankets(see above!)
- is finally starting to use his hands to grasp things
- can roll onto his side
- has taken his first road Taber!
- is in swimming lessons
- has boatloads of smiles
- has laughed a few times(at the dog, or when he's tickled)
- still loves mobiles
- loves to stand all the time
- hates to sit, he will launch himself out of his bumbo
- can sleep through the night most nights
- is still a huge puker