Monday, December 19, 2011

14 months old

Yesterday Carter was 14 months.

Ive decided Im going to do these posts every 2 months now, since Im back at work, and he's not drastically changing like he was month to month.

A little update:

We are all getting back into the swing of things now that Im back at work, we're back from Mexico and Carter is sort of sleeping through the night.

Carter LOVES his dayhome (I say this a lot but its true).

He usually cries when we come home since its boring at home and none of his friends are here.

He is such a little character, and I love watching him interact with his friends.

Its scary to think that in 4ish months we will start potty training and move on to a new phase in his life.

At 14 months, Carter:

- is about 22 lbs

- is wearing mostly 12-18 month clothing, but I just retired some 9 month clothing we was wearing

- has 6 teeth (worlds slooooooowest teether)

- loves to run over Cheeko with his toys

- copies everything now, from sounds to movements, he is a spongs

- has wicked hissyfits and tantrums, especially when he is told No

- can use a fork, but prefers his hand since he can get way more in his cakehole at a time

- LOVES pasta and chicken

- loves to see how things work

- occassionaly sleeps through the night. He is getting better but we have started to let him cry it out and put himself back to sleep

- is done with a soother. He started not wanting it and taking it out of his mouth and trowing it out of his crib about 2 weeks ago so we decided last week to try and take it away. So far so good, we gave it to him last night after him screaming all night but thats been it

- hates loud sounds like the vaccuum or the dog barking, or the sound of the shovel when hes outside helping shovel the driveway

- loves to look at the pictures on my camera after I take them and will sometimes kiss the screen

- loves giving kisses to anything and everyone. Makes the pucker sound now too if you say "kisses"

- points at himself. We keep saying "Carter" when he does this so he knows his name

- loves to play with the magnets on the fridge

- likes to close doors, like the fridge door, the front door and his baby gate after he climbs the stairs

- obsessed with our water cooler and keeps playing with it and spilling water everywhere

- hates the snow, just like his mommy!

- loves the stinky feet game, when he pulls off his socks and gives them to us then we sniff them and go "Ewww" and make silly faces. He loves doing it to himself too

- loves to "boing". I will pick him up under the arms and just lift him up and down as we are walking somewhere and say boing boing boing until we get to where were going

- always mouths words, no sounds comes out but hes almost whispering

- loves to lay on his back, life his feet up and smash them on the ground. He really loves this in the tub

- will rub his hands together when we say "wash your hands". He will also do this when we use a facecloth or baby wipe to clean him, he is independent and wants to do it himself

- loves to pick little pieces of dirt or garbage off the ground. Always finds the little crumbs or pieces of paper in the house and comes and gives it to me.