Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Eating my weight in animal crackers

wearing my boots, just like Mom

play with me, lazy dog

indoor fun

curly bath hair

bath time fun

we find joy in our child's agony

cheesey face

someone is 2!

opening birthday pressies

new clothes!

testing out the new crayons with Grumpa

bedtime story

birthday party, and someone is celebrating with the Death Cold. He is beyond thrilled

I say thanks with chokehold hugs

testing out my new dune buggy

exhausted after his bday party

Day 3 with the Death Cold

Death Cold day #5, The things you get away with when youre sick

starting to feel better. Camping out on the ground watching Toy Story is the best medicine

on the rebound after 6 days and smiling

pants head

This costume is stupid!

Burris Family Halloween 2012. The first time in years that Mark and I aren't a couple costume. Mine's lame.

Wearming Dad's Hulk Hogan belt

1 guess as to which movie is on....

Salt and Vinegar chips are shocking!

Carter and Paxton playing

2nd Annual Pumpkin carving contest. I won, thanks to Carter helping!

Coloring like a BOSS!

Tuckered after a day of no napping, eating chocolate and crackers, running around like a rabid dog and puking in Uncle Craigs shoe

fork? who needs a fork?

loves his bunny

Trick or Treat!

hit the motherlode with Treat or Treating!


2 years!

2 amazing years have passed, and our little ginger has turned from a chubby little unhappy baby, to an amzingly smart, happy and fun toddler.

The house is never silent, and his antics keep us on our toes.

I love him more that I thought I ever could.

At 2 years old, Carter:
- is 24.2 lbs
- 33 inches tall
- says lots of words, forming 2 and 3 word sentences
- loves Buzz Lightyear, so on the weekends we are averaging a minimum of 3 showing a day of Tpy Story trilogy
- loves Eggos any time of the day or night
- loves wearing boots
- tantrums when he doesnt get his way
- is spoiled
- still loves his puppy
- thinks he should eat cookies for breakfast
- loves milk and water
- says please and thank you
- still hasnt had a haircut
- loves to read books
- tells us what he wants
- isnt potty training but likes to sit on the potty
- loves hockey and is very disappointed with the lockout
- loves spending time with his grandparents
- loves trains and will choo choo at them when we see them
- has all his teeth except his 2 yr molars