Sunday, February 6, 2011


No one said being a parent was going to be the hardest job of my life.
And I've had a lot of jobs.

I am so tired.
I am so tired of being puked on.
I am so tired of people telling me its normal. Its not.
I am so tired of telling people my kid pukes a lot, and then he never pukes around people.
I am so tired of putting a clean pair of jeans on, or a nice shirt and having it puked on 2 seconds alter.
I am so tired of wearing the same old pukey pajamas for days on end.
I am so tired of my carpets and furniture and brand new $300 rocking chair being puked on.
I am so tired of doing laundry.
I am so tired of my cranky baby.
I am so tired of waking at night to feed him.
I am so tired of barely making it 2 hrs before he wants to eat.
I am so tired of breastfeeding and the dedication it takes.
I am so tired of trying to get back to sleep in the middle of the night.
I am so tired of feeling like a single parent.
I am so tired.

I dont know what I was expecting out of parenthood, but this wasnt it.

I love my son to bits, and I wouldnt trade him for the world
I guess I am just having a hard time with sleep deprivation and still trying to adjust to my new world.

1 comment:

  1. Awww Cristy. You are a fabulous Mom/wife and Carter and Mark are so lucky to have you. Hopefully the puking is something that Carter will grow out of; the sooner the better! But it has to stop eventually! And as for the breastfeeding: you've given him a great start. If you really feel that strongly about it, there's nothing wrong with switching him to formula. I only went 4 months with Paxton and he was supplemented with formula for 3 of those. Just do whatever's going to be best for you! And I hear ya on the sleepless nights. Paxton was up almost all night last night :( So put your cape away, give the boy to Daddy for a bit and go back to bed. Loves!
