Saturday, February 19, 2011

4 months

The Beast is 4 months old!

At 4 months, Carter:
- is 15lbs (holy porker!)
- 24 3/4 inches short
- is now on formula
- is putting everything in his mouth
- is getting better at tummy time, but will usually last only a few minutes
- has found his feet, but prefers to use the left hand only
- survived his first cold
- went on a roadtrip to Calgary
- can sit on his lonesome for a few seconds
- still prefers to stand
- loves screens...TV, computer, cell phones
- is not sleeping thru the night anymore
- is in 3-6 month clothes, but some sleepers are close to retirement
- is moving in size 3 diapers
- always watches us eat, and will grab the bowl/plate
- likes to hear himself talk....especially at 4am
- hates being restrained (carseat, bumbo)
- will do a half sit-up to try and get out of his carseat, vibrating chair and swing

1 comment:

  1. You know, when I was holding him yesterday I was thinking how light he is ... but I guess that's 'cuz he's still about 1/2 Paxton's size. lol
