Friday, December 3, 2010


My 2011 Resolutions:

- get my body back to pre-pregnancy shape
- do the 365 picture challenge again, or some form of it
- do 'Carter' scrapbook
- make scrapbook present for Amanda and Kevins wedding
- get a massage 2 times a year (1 /2)
- update blog at least once a month ( 8/12)
- volunteer at least 2 times (2/2)
- make more time for my friends (calls, visits)

- take Carter to the Calgary Zoo
- take Carter to the West Coast to meet the rest of his family
- take Carter to swimming lessons
- keep going to mommy and baby play dates to help Carter meet friends
- take Carter to surrounding historical sites
- send Carter for his 1st sleepover

- go on a beach vacation
- go camping at least 5 times ( 1/5)
- go on an unplanned road trip
- go on a picnic
- go on a family walk at least 2 times per week (1/104)

- go white water rafting
- go on 1 date a month ( 5 /12)
- decide on timing of baby #2
- plan a surprise trip or event for my hubby

in process


  1. Sounds like you've got some good goals! Let us know when you want to go to the zoo and maybe we can come with. We want to take Paxton this year as well.

  2. apparenlty I missed the rafting resolution the first time I read this. we're in for that one as well (aren't you glad I made you come with us?)lol
