Saturday, July 28, 2012


Reading with GG

Happy Birthday Uncle Ryan!!

No, its not a heat register, its a garage for my cars

Splashing Cheeko in the pool

His face when he dunked his own head and then stood up

Can I not even eat watermelon in peace without you always taking pictures, Mom?

The kid of many faces. I asked him to show me his "watermelon munching face"

ok, thats enough pictures. Let me play!

Hanging out with baby Ryder

Haning out with Amanda, baby and Ryder

trying to sumersault

a million kisses for Ryder

Where he wants Ryder to give him kisses

1st camping trip of the year was a freak hailstorm that left the campground looking like winter

action shot!

having fun camping

running in the hail flood

making friends with other camping kids

Cheers, Dad!

his drunk face

waiting for lunch to cook. Fire roasted weenies

ketchup and dirt. Yum

his grandfathers grandson.
getting drunk off my raspberry vodka slurpee. at 11am. at 2 yrs old.

copying mommy who was taking nail polish off to repaint

I put my foot up, and so did he

and then he got right in there and smelled the nail polish bottle

ok Mom, ready. Paint my nails!

sometimes breakfast just tastes better on the floor

my handsome man

mr. hollywood

asking for 'Nicki' (Minaj)

gotta keep your teeth clean!

coloring with crazy hair

one of them always has to ruin a good pic!

potty time, so modest

loves cleaning his ears

trying to get slivers out of his toes

look who can climb on up and buckle himself in now

a nice cool treat on a hot day

eating grapes by himself


puddle jumping after an afternoon storm

whats this giant thing?

alexander and carter throwing water and each other

making himself cozy in our bed

laughing at himself

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running around the front yard

Happy Birthday Uncle Mike!!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe how big he's getting (even though I just saw him in person a few days ago)!
