Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Carter 18 months

Carter is 18 months!!

If only the time he spent on the inside went as fast as the time he's been on the outside, I would be pregnant all the time!

At 18 months, Carter:
- is 23.8 lbs
- is 29 1/4 inches short
- is wearing mostly 12-18month clothing and some 18 month stuff. I have to roll up the pant legs on all his 18 month pants
- is so much fun. He loves to play and is a bundle of energy 24/7
- still loves water. whn he hears the kitchen tap he will push the kitchen chair over to the sink to help do dishes, even if all we are doing is filling the dogs water dish
- loves to help; he will also push the kitchen chair over to the stove to help do whatever we are doing (make supper, put dishes away). He also has his own broom to sweep the floors
- likes women more than men
- says so many words; mom, dad, hi, bye, banana, done (when he's done eating), woof, puppy, doggy (sounds like daddy), home, vroom, boop, boom, baby, please, uh oh, oww. He's said Grandma, Grandpa and GG a few times, but not enough to considered them 'mastered' words
- loves being outside
- is now in a big boy chair instead of a highchair; and has been using a spoon and fork to eat for a while
- is such a picky eater. He will eat something one week and turn his nose up at it the next. He is so unpredictable as to what he will eat with us and what he wont
- loves his bedtime routine. We will read him books while he sits in his book basket reading his own story, then will run to the bathroom with his mouth hanging open to brush his teeth.
- loves to play hide and seek. He will hide behind the kitchen table and chairs while we say 'wheres carter' until he giggles and pops out. Does the same with a blanket; will hide his face under it and we go 'uh oh carter disappeared'
- has 11 teeth
- loves to dance. He will turn up the radio in his room to full blast and rock out
- can blow his nose

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