Ten sounds so much older than nine, but alas, my big boy is 10 months old.
At 10 months, Carter is:
- 19 lbs 11oz
- 28ish inches.(hes too squirmy to get an accurate reading) Mr Shorty....always have to roll his pant legs up!
- is wearing some 6-12 months stuff, lots of 9 months stuff and some 12 month stuff.
- is getting his top 2 teeth at the same time right now, complete with a teething cold. I still hate teething!
- chats all the time, and has said Dog a couple times and Hi Daddy
- still has the cutest dang smile and dimple
- dances by bending his knees and bopping up and down, as well as stomping his right foot
- has gone on his first camping trip in our new (to us) trailer, and it was not as successful as I had hoped
- loves to share anything and everything. Even offered his toy to the ladies on The View when Cheeko didnt want it (we watch too much TV!)
- doesnt like Treehouse TV but loves watching the news. No Barney or Dora in this house!
- makes the click sound with his tongue
- LOVES to self feed! He especially loves eating Cheerios. and toast with a little bit of jam.
- is allergic to kiwi and yogurt
-is always grabbing at our plates, he wants to eat everything- he also loves water. Loves drinking it, and playing with it. Bath time is a mess, he is always in Cheekos dish and I even caught him reaching in the toilet once when I left the seat up (GROSS!)
- loves to stand on things and crawl over things. He will push his toys up to the TV stand then stand on top of them, and it always climbing on the highchair. He loves to stand on my feet or legs when I am on the ground with him
- stands on his tippy toes, which especially hurts when he is standing on my legs and digs his tiny toes into my thigh
- has stood on his own a few times for quite a long time (6+ seconds)
- will put his ear to the ground and look under the coffee table to his toys on the other side
- has taken a step back in the walking on his own department, since he has taken many falls on the face, and discovered that he can drop down to his butt, crawl and stand back up to where he wants to be. Might not be an early walker after all
- cries when told no, or he cant have what he wants
- hates anything on his head. Always rips his hat off in the sun, and his toque off during our morning walks (yes, very Canadian of me)
- has an obsession with the dog bed and dog bones
- has an obsession with the dog bed and dog bones